Ask the Expert: Executive Function and Children with Down Syndrome
Note: This article originally appeared in the July/August 2011 issue of TDSN News. In the last Newsletter, we introduced play-behaviors and their relationship to cognitive-language development in children with Down syndrome. In this article, we want to expand this concept by introducing a related cognitive function called Executive Function. Although this may appear to […]
社交和沟通问题 唐氏综合症儿童的生长发育程度是家长们经常关心的一个问题。 家长们在关心他们的孩子能否赶上正常儿童的发育进程的同时, 也很想了解他们的孩子跟其他患有唐氏综合症的孩子相比有何相同和不同。为了能回答家长们的这个问题, 我们建立了此唐氏综合症儿童的发育量表。 该量表提供给家长们正常儿童在儿童,幼儿和学龄前儿童的发育情况, 同时也提供了唐氏综合症儿童的发育情况, 以作为参考。
Developmental Scale for Children with Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: The accompanying form can be downloaded via the link at the bottom of this post. Social and Communication Issues One of the most frequently asked questions by parents of children with Down syndrome is how their child is doing compared to other children with Down syndrome? They are curious as to whether their […]
Technology Use for Children with Down Syndrome: The iPad
Several families know that we use the Apple iPad with children seen at our Center. We are being asked what “apps” (i.e., applications) we would recommend and for what age of child. We would like to start by saying that we have not had our iPad very long since it has only been on the […]
Juego y Apredizaje
Tenemos un lema en nuestro Centro: Juego es el modo de aprendizaje del cerebro. Juego permite el cerebro aprender acerca de objetos, eventos y relaciones del mundo del niño. Juego ayuda a desarrollar los conocimientos acerca de las relaciones espaciales causal temporal. Juego también tiene un propósito simbólico donde el niño desarrolla una imaginación, crea […]

Ask The Expert: Play and Learning
Note: This article originally appeared in the May/June 2011 issue of TDSN News. Leerlo en español. We have a motto at our Center: Play is the Brain’s Way of Learning. Play allows the brain to learn about objects, events, and relationships of the child’s world. Play helps to develop knowledge about spatial-temporal-causal relationships. Play […]
Buddy Walk 2010
Dr. Layton and his friends go to support the Fall 2010 Buddy Walk. The record-breaking 12th annual Buddy Walk at Briar Creek was great fun. The Buddy Walk is put on each year by the Triangle Down Syndrome Network.
Drs. Layton and Hao Travel to China
Dr. Layton traveled to Guangzhou People’s Republic of China in August to train parents and professionals on “Communication Among Children with Down Syndrome.” The training lasted three days including Dr. Layton evaluating several young Chinese children with Down syndrome.
Buddy Walk 2009
We had another great time at this year’s Buddy Walk, sponsored by the Triangle Down Syndrome Network.

Buddy Walk 2007
We went to the Triangle Down Syndrome Network sponsored Buddy Walk! We had a lot of fun and got to see Chris Burke (from Life Goes On) perform with his band. We are anxiously looking forward to next year’s event.